What Happens During An Ionic Detox Foot Bath Treatment?

Two-thirds of our body is made out of water. That's why it's so important for each of us to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day to replenish the levels required for our cells to function properly, otherwise our cells would stagnate and decay.
The watery fluids within and surrounding our cells also contain various types of salt that conduct electricity.
Each of our trillions of cells have to constantly rely upon chemical reactions and electrical currents every millisecond, to enable them to communicate with one other, take action and produce energy for the body.

Ionic Detox Foot Bath Session can help to correctly re-balance the body's cells.
Because our cells rely upon the transfer of electrical currents to work efficiently, in order to remain healthy, each cell therefore has to have a negative potential of between 70 and 90 millivolts; in other words, the right amount of positive and negative charge, otherwise the body cannot function properly. If there is an overload of positive ions as shown in the second image on the left, the cell is not able to absorb nutrients or excrete waste effectively which can lead to disease.
But how does it work?
Well, during a treatment, the feet are placed into a foot bowl of warm water into which a little salt has been added. An array, that's connected to the Control Pod (power unit), is also placed into the water to emit a low-voltage resonant electric current (consisting of an alternating positive and negative charge. This current electrolytic-ally charges the water, resulting in the saline water becoming separated into both positive and negative ions, to create the process known as 'ionisation'.
Research shows that ‘ionisation’ is in fact extremely beneficial to the human body. An excessive amount of positive ions in the body which is all too common these days, can lead to illness and disease. The re-introduction of balanced cellular energy allows the body to increase its oxygen supply to all the organs of the body and kick-start any processes that the body may not be performing effectively. Ionisation therefore improves health, enhances well-being and restores natural harmony.
Similar to what happens within the body's own fluids, the weak saline solution in the bowl enables the transfer of the Ionic Foot Bath current. Because the feet are already in the water, the saline water within the bowl becomes an extension of the body's own saline fluids. As a result, the 'alternating' frequency gently vibrates to 'bio-stimulate' the body's cells.
The Ionic Detox Foot Bath therefore encourages the healthy balance of positive and negative ions to circulate around the body, resonating and stimulating cells as the frequency moves about, freeing up blocked energies and releasing cellular toxins that may have built up. Consequently, the body's cells are correctly restored back into balance to enable the body's organ and cellular function to harmonise and work at optimum efficiency. adjusts, toxins continue to be released from each cell and are excreted through the usual channels, in sweat, urine and faeces.
Therefore, Ionic Detox Foot Bath also aids the body's in its natural detoxification process.
With the westernised-lifestyles we tend to lead these days; with our stress-levels, our poor diets, our exposure to electrical equipment, it doesn't take long for our bodies to be overloaded with positive ions and so become out of balance again. Hence regular Ionic Detox Foot Bath maintenance treatments are recommended to restore harmony to the body.
So Why Does The Water Colour Change?
There are many factors that are unique to each of us as individuals that will influence the changes in the water colour. For example, the process of ionisation itself creates a formation of solids in the water; bubbles can also appear throughout the session. The toxins from our bodies (which are normally clear, as in perspiration) react with the ionised water to also contribute to the colour change.
Furthermore, our own internal conditions influence the water – our feet possess either acidic or alkaline properties and our skin can also contain traces of deodorant, creams, soap, nail varnish, bacteria, shoe dye, fungi, environmental pollutants and fibres. There could also be dead cells present within the water and a release of substances from the sebaceous glands. Body and water temperature can also affect the chemical reactions in the water. Similarly, chemicals already contained in the water itself react and even the mild corrosion from the array can cause some colour change also.
Because of so many differing factors, it is NOT possible to provide an accurate diagnosis based purely upon the water colour. Many unscrupulous therapists and ioniser equipment suppliers make outrageous claims about the diagnosis of the colour of the water and they even provide illustrated colour charts! Please note these are totally false claims; there is NO research available to prove that weaknesses within certain body organs or systems can be diagnosed from the colours in the water; they are simply misleading claims! If in doubt, you should always ask them to provide the research behind their claims. That is why it's so important to visit trusted therapists or buy a system from a ethical company who are totally honest, and who will not attempt to mislead you.
PLEASE NOTE that the cost of shipping is based on shipping costs within Australia, if your purchase from overseas we will calculated any additional shipping fees and then send a PayPal request for any additional shipping fees required to ship to your location.
You may also Contact Us for us to send you a PayPal Invoice including exact costs.

**NEW** Hydrogen Energy Ionic Detox Foot Bath
Our NEW Hydrogen Energy Ionic Detox Foot Spa with LCD Display and Surgical Grade 304 L Stainless Plate Array offers the best in a Multi Function System that Australia has to offer for home or business.
1 x Multi Function Controller
1 x FIR Bamboo Charcoal Waist Band
1 x Set of Massage Pads
1 x Australian Approved Power Supply
1 x Array Cleaning Powder
1 x Himalayan Crystal Salt
1 x Array 304L Surgical Grade Stainless Steel Coil Array
(100+ uses)
Product Handbook
(PDF will be emailed)
Metal Carrying Case
(design may vary from image above)
1 year (12 months) Australian Warranty included

**NEW** Hydrogen Energy Ionic Detox Foot Bath PLUS
Our NEW Hydrogen Energy Ionic Detox Foot Spa with LCD Display and Surgical Grade 304 L Stainless Steel Plate Array offers the best in a Multi Function System that Australia has to offer for home or business.
1 x Multi Function Controller
1 x FIR Bamboo Charcoal Waist Band
1 x Set of Massage Pads *
1 x Foot Basin with fitted liners
(colour maybe either Blue or Vanilla)
1 x Australian Approved Power Supply
1 x Array Cleaning Powder
1 x Himalayan Crystal Salt
1 x Array 304L Surgical Grade Stainless Steel Coil Array
(100+ uses)
Product Handbook
(PDF will be emailed)
Metal Carrying Case
(design may vary from image above
1 year (12 months) Australian Warranty included
Mary Staggs Detox ORIGINAL Ionic Detox Foot Spa Bath for over 20 years - SPECIAL Order
The Original Ionic Detox Foot Bath manufactured in EUROPE to superior standards
Supplied with:-
Mary Staggs Detox Professional Controller
(NEW re-calibrated design)
Including 2 x Arrays
(Surgical Grade offering 40 plus uses)
2 x Array Cleaning Solution
Himalayan Crystal Salt
Product Handbook
12 months Australian Warranty
DISCLAIMER.......please be advised that the Ionic Detox Foot Bath System for sale are not intended to diagnose, cure, mitigate, prevent or treat any disease or health condition and they are not a Medical Device. Please, consult your primary health care provider if you have any questions on the use of any of our Products.
All Information presented is for educational information purposes ONLY and are excerpts taken from publications of the leading authorities in the use of the above technology.

We have a responsibility, obligation, and privilege to gain knowledge, wisdom and insight on how to have and maintain healthy bodies.

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